Monday 6 February 2012

Repeated Idea 4: Male Superiority/Manipulation

A regular characteristic of Men's Health magazine is a "what women want" sell-line:

Women are often objectified, as in the front cover above:
the female model is literally draped around the male model and she also happens to be standing behind him, almost in his shadow - this is a portrayal of male superiority.

Repeated Idea 3: New Male Sensitivity

Men's Health role models are constructed not only to show strong, macho values but also to have a sensitive, human side.

Poster Boy: David Beckham
-family man

Masculinity Test

Repeated Idea 2: Male Narcissism

Front cover image Men’s Health has famously made the male torso, and particularly the six pack, the defining feature of masculinity.
Model has physical, 'macho' attributes,
body stance,
physically attractive,
often the colour is drained from the image of the male to make him seem more like a machine.